Organized more than twenty years ago by Berenice Malta, the company provides services of sworn and non-sworn translations in English and Portuguese, with confidentiality and on-time delivery.

With solid experience in translation and the best references, Malta Traduções has been continuously updating to better serve its clients, always giving priority to personality and efficiency in the service, providing speed in service and maintaining a high standard of quality.

Our commitment is to provide excellence in quality, exceeding client’s expectations.


Berenice Malta

Berenice Malta, attorney-at-law graduated from the School of Law of São Paulo University, sworn translator approved by and registered with the Commercial Registry of the State of São Paulo, has run Malta Traduções for more than twenty years.

She organized the company after having worked as in-house translator for a renowned international law firm in São Paulo, Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados.

In addition to the Master’s program she completed the English course at New York University, as well as the supplementary studies on International Banking and Financing Exports and Imports.

The company offers sworn and non-sworn translation services in English and Portuguese, being specialized in legal, financial, economic, scientific, commercial and technical areas, especially agreements, contracts and documents for due diligence, mergers and acquisitions, sale and purchase of companies. Works for international law firms headquartered in Brazil and in the United States, multinational companies, national and foreign banks.

Bruna Malta

Translator specialized in translation of medical, chemical and scientific texts, Bruna has worked for Malta Traduções since 2003. 

With solid scientific knowledge, she translates with competence and skill technical texts, especially in the area of product registration, scientific and medical papers for publication, product characteristics and others. 

Graduated in Biomedicine and Pharmacy, she continued her studies with specialization in the area of Clinical Research and post-graduation in Clinical Pharmacy.

English courses at the ELS Institute, Barry University, Miami; International House, London; Alumni São Paulo.


Malta Traduções offers translations in the legal, financial, economic, scientific, commercial and technical areas, including mainly contracts, due diligence documents, mergers, incorporations and sale and purchase of companies.

Sworn Translation

Pursuant to Article 224 of the Brazilian Civil Code, in order to be legally valid in Brazil, all documents written in a foreign language must be duly accompanied by their sworn translation into Portuguese.

Some examples are the documents that must be submitted to Court or to any Brazilian authorities, such as powers of attorney, invoices, credit instruments, school documents, transcripts, diplomas, etc.

The same applies to sworn or certified translations into English, which have to be sworn if used for official purposes abroad.

Free Translation

The translation may be free in case of documents used for control or knowledge of the parties, such as drafts of documents, scientific articles, résumés, unsigned documents, rules, laws and others.

Calculation of number of pages

The translation page (or “lauda”) is a page with up to 1,000 translated characters. In order to calculate the number of pages go to “properties”, number of characters, verify the number of characters without space of your document and divide by 1,000. You will obtain the number of pages to be translated.


A sworn translation page is charged according to the price list published by the Commercial Registry of the State of São Paulo, being divided into:

1. Common translations: passports, civil registry certificates, identity cards, driver licenses and similar documents, including personal letters that do not involve legal, technical or scientific texts; and

2. Special translations: legal, technical, scientific, commercial texts, including banking and accounting translations, school certificates, transcripts and diplomas.

The price for a free translation may be object of negotiation, depending on the complexity of the text and number of pages to be translated.


Confidentiality is part of the translator’s work. In case of extremely confidential documents, a Non-Disclosure Agreement may be signed with the client.


Our clients are Brazilian and foreign individuals and legal entities, including law firms, industries, banks, financial institutions.

Contact us


Av. Ibirapuera, 2033, 8° andar - cj 81
Moema - CEP - 04029-901
São Paulo/SP


11 5575-8287 – 11 5579-0144

11 99489-4169